Can You Blame Your Parents for Your Skin Problems?

Many skin problems develop as a result of environmental exposure (sun damage, climate, etc) or the way we’ve taken care of our skin (poor hygiene, lack of moisturizer, etc). However, there are several skin conditions that may be beyond your control. In fact, genetics play a strong role in many dermatological issues. Inherited skin problems…

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What Can I Do About My Acne Scars?

When you look in the mirror, are you faced with unsightly reminders of the acne-plagued years you suffered as a teenager? Acne is a stubborn and embarrassing skin condition, especially for a socially-conscious adolescent. However, many patients don’t outgrow their frustrations with acne. Even after pimples stop emerging, acne can leave behind disfiguring scars for…

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Could Your Acne Affect Your Mental Health?

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions. It can also be one of the most frustrating to deal with. While acne typically affects young adolescents, it can linger into adulthood as well. The highly visible and often erratic pattern of red bumps and pimples on the face can take a major toil on…

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Why Am I Getting Acne as an Adult Woman?

When the topic of acne emerges, most people think of teenagers. Adolescence is certainly the most commonly plagued age group. However, adult acne is also possible. In fact, when women had clear skin up until the age of 25 and suddenly struggle with pimples, it is called “late onset adult female acne.” If you are…

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Male Skin Care: Shaving With Acne

As a man or teenage boy who struggles with acne, it can be difficult to perform your facial grooming habits without making your acne worse. Do you resort to having a five o’clock shadow or risk an embarrassing acne breakout by shaving? Fortunately, there are some shaving habits you can adopt to reduce the risk…

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Why Do I Have Acne and You Don’t?

Acne is one of the most well known skin conditions, but it is one that is also very unwelcome. While countless teens and adults suffer from acne, not everyone is forced to deal with embarrassing breakouts. Why do some people suffer more than others? If you think your pimples are simply unfair, here’s some information…

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5 Types of Teen Acne

Pimples, zits, breakouts – whatever you prefer to call it, acne is a problematic skin condition for many teenagers. At a time when trying to fit in and look your best is especially important, an acne flare-up can be a major detriment to a teen’s self-esteem. While all acne is embarrassing to deal with, there…

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5 Acne Myths Debunked

Acne is one of the most widespread skin problems that both men and women face. It can be an embarrassing condition that affect quality of life for some. Seeking acne treatment from a board-certified dermatologist, however, can significantly increase your chances of winning the battle against pimples. There are many misconceptions surrounding acne, and if…

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What Is Triggering Your Acne?

Acne can be one of the most frustrating and difficult skin conditions to control. Although it is usually associated with teenagers, adults can struggle with acne too. There are four major factors that are responsible for causing acne: overactive oil glands, bacteria, inflammation and blockage of skin pores.

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Micro Needling for Acne Scars

Do you have embarrassing acne scars from your teenage years? You can put the past behind you by scheduling a simple treatment called micro needling at your dermatologist’s office. This aesthetic treatment for acne scars works best for those sunken areas on the skin that display a crepe-like or orange peel appearance. It also works…

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