Different Types of Psoriasis

The symptoms of psoriasis can develop differently for everyone, and vary based on type. In general, psoriasis is a chronic condition that presents as a rash with scaly patches that may cause itching. Psoriasis is also an immune-mediated disease, which means that it occurs due to an abnormal response from the immune system, causing skin…

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Helping Your Child Cope With Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a challenging skin condition for anyone who suffers. However, for children, this skin disorder can be especially difficult to manage. Psoriasis is known for triggering itchy patches of red or scaly skin. Although not contagious or harmful, the skin inflammation and irritation can be quite unbearable to endure. Like many rashes, itching the…

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My Psoriasis – What’s Really Going On?

Are you a psoriasis sufferer? If so, you are probably very familiar with the chronic discomfort and embarrassment that this skin condition brings. However, have you ever thought about what is really going on in your skin to produce the thick, scaly and often itchy patches that plagues you every day? Although you may feel…

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A Flaky Scalp: Is it Psoriasis or Dandruff?

It may be hard to tell the difference between scalp psoriasis and dandruff since both have similar symptoms of an itchy scalp that produces white flakes. However, it is important that you the difference between the two conditions so that you can seek the most effective treatment. Psoriasis could actually be the underlying cause of…

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