Don’t Let the Pool Damage Your Skin

Let’s face it; summer days in Georgia are hot! Swimming is one of the few tolerable activities to do in the heat of the day. However, while a jump in the pool is refreshing for your body, the chlorinated water may not be so great for your skin. Whether you are a child spending hours of playtime in the pool or you are simply dipping in every hour to cool off, chlorine can impact the health and appearance of the skin.

While you may be well aware of the ways that pool water can damage the hair, you should know that the skin responds to pool chemicals too. Chlorine is used in pools to prevent harmful bacteria from lurking in swimming water. However, chlorine will also strip away the natural and protective oils of your skin. Therefore, the most common dermatologic problem with swimming is dry skin.

When the skin is dry and without enough natural oils, it not only looks unattractive or scaly, but it also means that your skin is more vulnerable to bacteria. In fact, dry or cracked skin can quickly lead to irritations and infections. Some people find that their skin is especially itchy after swimming. Don’t worry; you don’t have to avoid the refreshing pool all summer to keep your skin healthy. There are ways to protect your skin from a chlorine dry out.

Your sunscreen will provide some form of protection or barrier from chlorine, especially thicker lotion brands. However, it is most important to follow some steps after you swim. When you get out of the pool, try to wash off with fresh water as soon as possible. Rinse every area of your body and use a gentle cleanser. After you dry off, don’t forget to moisturize. For best results, choose a lotion that contains ceramides and alpha hydroxy acid. These ingredients work to hydrate your skin as well as restore its pH balance.

For more tips on how to protect your skin and hair during a Georgia summer, please contact Olansky Dermatology Associates in Atlanta.