What is miraDry®? Breaking Down the Basics

Around the country, seasonal temperatures are heating up, and if you’re experiencing excessive underarm sweating or odor during it, you’re not alone. In fact, you’re among the company of at least 15 million people in the U.S. with this frustrating condition. (In truth the number could actually be much higher — only about half the people who have it report it to a healthcare professional.)

Clinically referred to as hyperhidrosis, excessive sweat may seem as uncomfortable to discuss as it is to experience. Fortunately, there are treatments available to help, including miraDry®.

What Is miraDry®?

miraDry® is an FDA-approved treatment used to address excessive sweating in the underarm. It works by delivering precise, controlled electromagnetic energy to the sweat glands, which triggers a process in your body called thermolysis. Using the power of this heat energy, thermolysis dissolves and eliminates the surrounding sweat glands. 

Does this mean you’ll feel them melting? No. Thanks to the miraDry® device’s technology, surface skin is simultaneously cooled for protection. But even if you can’t feel it, thermolysis is so effective, those glands are not likely to grow back. After a recommended two sessions, results can be considered permanent.

An added bonus? In addition to vanquishing your sweat glands, miraDry® can also simultaneously eliminate underarm hair and odor glands. “Unlike hair-removal lasers, miraDry/miraSmooth doesn’t rely on color contrast to work,” the International Hyperhidrosis Society explains,  “– so it works no matter your hair or skin color.”  

What Can You Expect from Your Treatment?

Prior to your procedure, avoid wearing any antiperspirant or deodorant. If you shave your armpits, you’ll want to leave a week between doing so and getting treatment. There should be enough hair growth showing through to identify your target areas for hair removal. Wear comfortable clothing that will provide easy access to the underarm area, such as a tank top.

To ensure a pain-free experience, your provider will inject a local anesthetic, which will numb the area. Next, a temporary tattoo will be applied to mark the specific surface for treatment. 

When the area is completely numb, the miraDry® device will be passed over the armpit, directing radiofrequency pulses to the sweat glands. The procedure will take roughly an hour. While some patients may only need one treatment, subsequent sessions may be recommended to achieve optimal results.

What Is the Healing Process Like for miraDry®?

Afterward, you may experience some temporary discomfort, but over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen can help alleviate symptoms. Consider placing some mini water bottles in the freezer before your procedure, as they can act as convenient cold compresses during recovery. There’s also the potential for mild, temporary bruising, swelling, and tenderness — so you may want to avoid sleeveless shirts for several days to prevent extra irritation.

All told, this simple, non-invasive procedure doesn’t require any downtime. To promote proper healing, keep the area clean with a gentle liquid soap. Follow any other instructions from your provider, such as applying an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment. After the procedure, you can resume most of your normal activities, though you may want to avoid vigorous physical activity such as weight lifting and running — for roughly a week as it might irritate the underarm area. Also, avoid shaving or using any deodorant or antiperspirant for a few days. 

If you’re experiencing excessive sweating, talk to the team from Olansky Dermatology about miraDry®. Schedule an appointment online or by calling (404) 355-5484.