Treating Your Skin Cyst

It can be concerning to discover a lump beneath your skin. While all skin cysts need to be examined and professionally diagnosed, most cysts are not cause for alarm. Skin cysts are typically benign growths that develop just under the skin and above the muscle. One of the most common types of skin cyst is a sebaceous cyst. People of all ages and skin types can get a sebaceous cyst. It is hard to predict when a cyst will form, but they can grow in size over time and even become a source of discomfort and aesthetic concern depending on where it develops on the body. Fortunately, a dermatologist can remove your sebaceous cyst through a simple, in-office procedure.

How do Sebaceous Cysts Form?

Sebaceous cysts form when the duct of the sebaceous gland gets blocked or damaged. This is the gland that produces nourishing oil to the skin. In result, a liquid or semiliquid pocket forms underneath the skin. Many are also filled with white flakes of keratin, which is a key substance that found in your skin and nails. Sebaceous cysts are usually soft to touch.

How does the sebaceous gland get damaged or blocked in the first place? There are many reasons why this occurs, including the following:

  • Acne
  • Scratch or other direct skin trauma
  • Surgical wound
  • Misshapen or deformed duct
  • Genetic condition (Gardner’s syndrome)

Sebaceous cysts can develop weeks or months after the original damage to the area occurred.

They are mostly found on the face, neck, or torso. It is important to remember that they aren’t life-threatening, but that doesn’t mean they need to go unchecked. Many patients elect to have their sebaceous cyst removed when it grows to a large size and/or is on a visible part of their body. In some cases, the cyst can cause pain or pressure, especially if it is on the face.

Cyst Removal Surgery

Removing the cyst is the best way to prevent it from recurring. Don’t worry; removing your sebaceous cyst is not a difficult or painful procedure. Most cysts are removed with a simple excisional surgery in which local anesthetic can be used. If the cyst has a diameter that’s larger than five centimeters, shows signs of infection or had a fast rate of reoccurrence after previous removal, steps may be taken to ensure the growth is not cancerous. You can trust Olansky Dermatology Associates to accurately diagnose your skin cyst and recommend the most appropriate solution. We offer treatment for all types of cysts, including pilar, epidermoid, sebaceous and others. Schedule your consult today.