Back-To-School Skin Care

Back-to-school season is upon us. As you run around to gather school supplies and new outfits, don’t forget about investing in the right skin care supplies. Whether you have a young child or college bound teen, there are skin care products to ensure your family maintains healthy and beautiful skin through the new school year.

Elementary Children

If you have a younger child who is still in elementary school, it’s a good idea to give their skin a good check before sending them back to school. Whether your child has been battling eczema, developed a wart or experiencing a worrisome rash, it is important to let a dermatologist check it out before the school year starts. Pediatric skin conditions can worsen if not treated appropriately and may interfere with your child’s learning day at school. Don’t forget to keep lathering your child up with sunscreen at the start of the school year, as the playground sun is still strong.

Middle School Kids

Pre-teens and tweens are often at the learning stages of how to care for their own skin. It is also a time when the skin experiences drastic changes as hormones surge. Many tweens face areas of dryness or facial breakouts that need attention. This is an excellent age to start a gentle daily cleanser and moisturizer and educate your child about the importance of keeping their face clean. If your teen is suffering from bad acne, it can be very beneficial to see a dermatologist for a more tailored skin care regime – as this can help your teen or tween retain a more confident complexion at school.

Young Adults

Young adults may need to buckle down on their skin care regime too. By now, they should know what type of skin they have – oily, dry, etc – and invest in products that meet their specific needs. If acne is a real concern despite daily cleansing and over-the-counter products, it may be time to see a dermatologist and consider a professional acne treatment such as laser therapy, light therapy, facial or other service. In addition, it is wise to treat facial skin at night with a gentle vitamin A product or AHA salicylic acid to exfoliate and combat breakouts.

Is your child’s skin back-to-school ready? Schedule your skin care checkup at Olansky Dermatology Associates. We proudly offer proven skin treatments for patients through all stages of life, including skin care services specifically designed for children and teens. We don’t want the health or appearance of your skin to jeopardize your child’s experience at school this year.