How to Manage Rosacea in the Summer

Longer days, warmer weather, and lots of sunshine: summer brings plenty of reasons to celebrate, but rosacea flare-ups are not among them. If you’re like most people with this chronic skin condition, you probably notice increased symptoms as the weather heats up. While you may not be able to beat the heat, you can control…

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National Rosacea Awareness Month: Symptoms and Treatment Options

Although chronic, rosacea (pronounced “roh-ZAY-sha”) is a treatable condition that primarily affects the middle area of your face, including your cheeks and nose. It is often experienced as flare-ups that then can go into remission.  According to the National Rosacea Society, rosacea may develop in many ways and at any age. They explain: “Patient surveys…

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Aesthetic Treatments for Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition that commonly causes flushing in your face, making your blood vessels visible. Though more than 14 million Americans are affected by it, rosacea often varies from person to person. It can be exacerbated by a variety of influences, including your diet, stress levels, and even what the weather is like…

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Managing Rosacea in the Winter

The cold winter months can be a difficult time for people that have chronic skin disorders, especially those that suffer from rosacea. In fact, some patients only have rosacea flare-ups when the air is cold, dry and windy. While you can’t control the winter weather, there are steps you can take to alleviate your discomfort…

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Stay Away From These Rosacea Triggers

Rosacea can be a very disruptive skin condition without a known cure or definite cause. It is marked by redness, chronic and recurring flushing and a thickened and bumpy skin texture on the face. Rosacea can affect all skin types and skin colors. While there are effective treatments to alleviate your rosacea symptoms, a dermatologist…

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There is Help for Your Rosacea

If you are reading this as a rosacea sufferer, you are probably desperate for help. Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder that usually worsens over time and is often characterized by relapses and remissions. Many people may find themselves frustrated at trying to alleviate embarrassing and disruptive rosacea symptoms. However, professional dermatologic treatments, such as…

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How Much Do You Know About Rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin disorder that affects up to 16 million Americans. However, only a fraction of rosacea sufferers are being treated. If you suffer from rosacea, you understand the significant psychological, social and even occupational problems that arise if you fail to seek treatment. Rosacea involves red flushing and acne-like symptoms on your face…

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