Why Did My Wart Grow Back?

Warts are known as one of the most embarrassing skin growths, and they’ve unfortunately gotten a bad reputation with their association to witches, ugliness or old people. The truth is, anyone is susceptible to getting a wart, even a sweet, innocent child. They certainly don’t mean you are ugly, mean or don’t take care of…

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Cryosurgery for Wart Removal

Although “cryosurgery” may sound intimidating, it is actually a very simple, quick and standard procedure that is used to remove a wart with liquid nitrogen. Many patients come to a dermatologist when a wart is refusing to go away on its own (even after over-the-counter treatments) or when the wart is painful or a cosmetic…

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My Child Has Warts!

It is not uncommon for parents to be surprised, and maybe even horrified, at the sight of a wart on their child’s fresh, young skin. We mistakenly associate warts with old age or poor hygiene, but the truth is, kids actually get them more often than adults do. Most of the time warts are completely…

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